Rehabilitation Dentistry

Rehabilitation Dentistry

Rehabilitation Dentistry

Why choose

Palm Beach Dentistry for your Rehabilitation Dentistry Needs

Protecting the integrity of her patient’s teeth, bite and overall oral health is a passion for Dr. Thompson and her staff. She invested in advanced equipment to address improving the function and esthetics of teeth and gums, as well as treat tooth loss or injury. For severe cases, she can do a whole-mouth restoration and create dentures.

Tooth Extractions

For simple extractions, Dr. Thompson will numb the area and use specialized instruments to remove the tooth. After that, she’ll thoroughly clean the socket and prepare it for an implant or bridgework.


Whether implant-supported, partial dentures or removable dentures, she can provide the best fit for a patient’s lifestyle, taking care to provide the most natural appearance and functionality.

Dental Implant Restoration

Let the experienced staff at Palm Beach Dentistry replace your missing tooth or teeth through dental implant restoration, which has come a long way over the past decade. Since a titanium implant post fuses with the jawbone, & the crown attached to it is shaped to perfectly resemble the existing teeth—implants can restore the look, feel, and function of your smile and bite. They are also stable, highly durable, and long-lasting.

Periodontal Disease Therapy

Infected, inflamed gums can lead to a host of other medical conditions. Our staff educates patients about the preventive steps to avoid gum disease. To treat it, we offer scaling (removal of tartar and bacteria beneath the gum line) and root planing (smoothing the root surface to ensure the gum reattaches to the tooth). Dr. Thompson also specializes in gingival irrigation to flush the pocket with a stream of medicated solution.

Sedation Dentistry

She takes the time to make sure a patient is numb before going ahead with dental procedures such as fillings and crowns. For more complicated dental work, Dr. Thompson can prescribe anti-anxiety medication. The staff takes measures to ensure your comfort and ease apprehension at every step of treatment.

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