General Dentistry

General And Preventaive Dentistry

General & Preventaive Dentistry

WHY choose

Palm Branch Dentistry for your General & Preventative Dentistry

Since this is a privately owned practice, Dr. Thompson and her staff don’t have to worry about spending extra time with the patients. They thoroughly reinforce preventive habits with each visit. She will perform a screening to catch oral cancer at its earliest and most treatable stages, as well as assess teeth, gums, and bite.

Routine check-up and preventative dentistry

During the check-up, which is recommended every six months, the staff will clean teeth and gums, take a full set of X-rays to detect decay, apply fluoride and Dr. Thompson will assess the teeth and gums. The mechanics of a preventive check-up are heightened here. Dr. Thompson invested in the DryShield Isolation System, a device that provides strong suction and more comfort for the patient.

How to schedule?: 

Enjoy easy online scheduling. Simply select the type of appointment you’re interested in and a list of open dates and appointment times will pop up. You can also call during business hours and speak with our Patient Coordinator Marielle to schedule your visit here.

We look forward to seeing you!

Cleanings & Check-ups

One of the main reasons why patients go to the dentist is for a professional level of cleaning and polishing. This ensures the long-term health and durability of your teeth. Removing plaque from teeth and gums prevents cavities and gum disease. 

Oral Cancer Screenings

In the spirit of early detection, Dr. Thompson is trained to perform a thorough screening of the head, neck, and mouth to find cancerous or precancerous conditions. If she detects anything suspicious, she’ll send you to a specialist for further review.

Digital X-Rays

Embracing technology when it comes to advanced treatments and equipment is important to Dr. Thompson. When she opened her practice in 2023, she invested in high-tech diagnostics. The more accurate the imaging, the better the outcomes. Using an intraoral camera helps her create the most accurate images of patients’ teeth, gums, and bite. The earlier she can detect conditions like cavities, infection, or gum disease the better the outcomes.

Emergency Services

Dr. Thompson can see existing patients if an emergency happens & their tooth or teeth are compromised. It’s not recommended to wait to seek help if an emergency happens. Immediate care produces the best outcomes.

What qualifies as an emergency?: 

If you experience a cracked, chipped, broken or knocked-out tooth, or the sudden onset of a toothache or bleeding, which may indicate infection, she will see you right away.

Cavity Control & Fillings

Preventive education is a mainstay at Palm Branch Dentistry. Dr. Thompson and her staff take time to educate patients about the best brushing practices. They partner with each patient to find out about their brushing and flossing habits, providing tips for improving them and touching on things to avoid, like smoking, candy, and sodas. Professional fluoride treatments at each check-up protect teeth, too. When an X-ray detects decay, she will do a filling, with tooth-colored composite, that saves the integrity and durability of the tooth. 

Dental Bridge

To address a missing tooth or teeth, she can create a dental bridge that fits over existing teeth on either side of the missing tooth or teeth. This helps restore the esthetics, speaking, and chewing function for the patient. Dr. Thompson can perform a traditional bridge that attaches to existing teeth with metal wings or create an implant-supported bridge.


Through her year of postdoctoral, hands-on training and ten years of experience in the field, Dr. Thompson is an expert at crowns. She can replace a cracked or decayed tooth and restore the mouth to its optimal function. At the first of two visits, she removes any cracked enamel or decay and gets down to a healthy base. She puts a temporary crown on while the permanent one is made at the lab, thanks to the intraoral 3D imagery she takes. On the second visit, she affixes the permanent crown and shapes it as needed to match the other teeth.

Botox for Clenching

If you suffer from migraines or headaches brought on by chronic jaw clenching, Botox injections have been proven to dramatically reduce the frequency and severity. TMJ is another condition that can be improved through these injections. Dr. Thompson is trained in facial anatomy and possesses an in-depth understanding of the musculature of the face & jaw.

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